I'm just taking care of the blogs for now. But hopefully I can speak for everyone who is involved@THECDC. We deeply sympathize with the families who have lost their son(s), daughter(s), uncle(s), auntie(s), father(s), mother(s), step children, or fri(ends) to the countless wars that continue on today. As there has been announcements of troops being pulled out, the fact remains that these human beings (warandpeacemaking) machines, are out (t)here every (un)waking moment fighting battles for our safety and comfort. Canada is by far one of if not the best place to live in the world. Regardless of political leadership differences. It is these brave, courageous and (in)sane human beings who go out there in the real world to keep our reality as it is. It may not show on whatever index, but count your blessings for what you are doing or are not doing and what you could not do if you were fighting wars and making peace all around the world. It is an up most blessing to be able to sleep past your alarm than to be woken up by bombs, bullets and bone chilling screams.
It's a memorial for the dead and a celebration for the living and a revelation for the rest of us who want to pursue our dreams on their behalf. (We Pray.)
To the fighters and vets out there that I personally have got to know over the years, it is an up most honor to know you and hopefully you're doing great and keep on fighting row on row.
Cory Booth
Matthew Mills
Steen Hinman-Miller
Peter St.John
We will never forget,
The Commercial Drive Company.
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